Drop-off & Pickup

Camp programs are based at the Waynflete School campus (360 Spring Street in Portland) or Waynflete’s Fore River Campus (283 Osgood Street in Portland). Check the website program description to determine the location of your child’s program.

View campus maps

Authorized Pickup Form

Main Campus

360 Spring Street, Portland

Drop Off Procedures at the Waynflete west end campus

  • Parent role. Every camper (including middle school campers) must be accompanied by an adult to be admitted to camp.
  • Check in will take place at the registration table and will include:
    • Signed “Community Agreement” form on Day One of each week. 
    • Confirmation showing that the daily health screening has been submitted and camper is cleared to be at camp. 
    • Check that the camper has requested program supplies and gear, including required footwear (specific programs), lunch, snacks, and water bottle(s). 
  • After check in
    • Parents of campers rising to Grade 2 and up will be asked to depart campus once their camper is checked in. 
    • Parents of EC and K-1 campers will walk campers to the Lower School playground to check in with the program director. 
    • Parents, please do not linger on campus. We hope to once again encourage a sense of Camp community and connection between parents and families next summer 2022. 

Pick Up Procedures

  • End of day dismissal. Please arrive for pick up 10 minutes prior to your camper’s pick up time. 
    • Parents of campers in Grades 2 and up should wait along Spring Street, in your car or on foot. Please keep a minimum of 6 feet from other households while you wait for campers to be dismissed. Once your child is transferred to you, we ask you to move away from campus to help us ensure that physical distance between households is maintained.
    • Parents of EC and K-1 campers may walk to the Lower School playground to check out their child from the program director.

Fore River Campus

283 Osgood Street, Portland

Drop Off Procedures at Waynflete’s Fore River Fields, 283 Osgood Street, Portland 

  • Drop Off. On the first day of each session, please park in the parking lot and walk your camper onto the fields to meet the coach and counselors. If we have contacted you about an outstanding bill or incomplete paperwork, please visit the Trainer after dropping off your child. On subsequent days, you may continue to park and walk your camper to greet the group, or you may use the horseshoe driveway, dropping your child in front of the field house to be greeted by our staff and escorted to the appropriate group.

Pick Up Procedures at Fore River Fields

  • End of day dismissal. Please arrive for pick up 10 minutes prior to your camper’s pick up time. You may park in the FRF parking lot and walk to meet your child’s group. Please ensure your child has checked out with the program director or counselor before leaving with you (a high-five will suffice).
  • We invite you to check in with your child’s program director / coach at the end of the day, but please allow them time to safely account for the authorized dismissal of the entire group before speaking with you.

Absences, Early Dismissal and Alternate Pick Up 

Campers who are being picked up early by parents/guardians, or being picked up by another adult, must bring in a signed note, email the Office Manager at summer@waynflete.org.

Safety is Our Primary Concern

The Waynflete campus and Waynflete’s Fore River Fields are part of residential communities and the arrival and departure of more than 100 children each day has a significant impact on each of the neighborhoods. The school strives to maintain a safe and friendly environment for students and neighbors during drop-off and pickup times. You can help us by avoiding things like blocking driveways, parking too close to intersections, and speeding. Please drive slowly, park legally, and obey all city parking signs and regulations at all times.